the gardens magical herb…

Did you know about all the great benefits of lavender essential oil? Sure its smells lovely and is widely used in aromatherapy, but lavender is also super healing and has many amazing health benefits.

Lavender essential oil is extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender herb. Around the world lavender is used to help relieve stress, boost mood and calm frazzled nerves. It is used often in massage therapy to aid with muscle relaxation, and in spas for healing beauty treatments. Lavender helps with depression, headaches, pain, insomnia, circulation, skin issues, and overall mental well-being. That’s a lot of benefits from one little herb! Read on for some great ways to use this sweet smelling plant

Pain Relief

Lavender has natural anti-inflammatory, properties, and is used to treat headaches, painful joints, sprains, and muscle aches. Massage the oil gently over affected areas to help relieve pain and inflammation.

Wound Healing Properties

Studies have shown that lavender helps speed the healing process in damaged skin and wounds. Mix 3 or 4 drops of lavender oil with a few drops of coconut oil, apply mixture to directly to wound with a cotton ball .

For Sunburn try this great DIY spray: In a spray bottle, mix 1/4 cup aloe vera juice, 2 tablespoons distilled water, 10 to 12 drops lavender oil, and 2 tablespoons Jojoba or Almond oil. Shake well and spray directly on sunburn. Use two to three times a day.

Fights Wrinkles and Repairs Skin

Used for centuries in skin treatments, lavender oil helps fight wrinkles and repair skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe and moisturize dry, irritated skin. Mix a few drops with coconut, almond, or jojoba oil and apply directly to skin.

Improves Digestion and Intestinal Health

Lavender oil helps improve digestion by stimulating production of gastric juices. It is often used to treat indigestion and had been shown to help with colic in babies. Rub gently on stomach area to calm intestinal upset.

Helps with Sleep and Insomnia

Studies show that using lavender oil before bed improves the overall quality of sleep by 60% and can significantly reduce symptoms of insomnia

Relieves Respiratory Disorders

Lavender oil is extremely disinfecting, anti-fungal and anti-viral and is often used to fight respiratory conditions such as colds, flu, asthma, congestion, and other infections. Apply directly on neck, chest, or back, inhale through a vaporizer or thru steam inhalation or place 10-12 drops in a diffuser.

Shop all our Lavender Essentials here

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