I love essential oils, and I use them daily. They smell so good, and the combinations are endless. 

The many benefits of Essential Oils are endless. They can change a mood just by inhaling, they can soothe everything from headaches, joint pain, cuts and bumps, to anxiety, stress, depression and fatigue. They are natural disinfectants and germ fighters and I love spraying or diffusing them into the air to purify and cleanse.

One of my favorite ways to use essential oils, is in my all natural roll-on blends. They are easy to make and so much fun to use. Just roll them on wrists, behind ears and temples. Even on feet. They smell so good and are the perfect size to take anywhere. Here are a couple of my fave IMB Naturals roll-on recipes to try at home. Happy blending!

What you’ll need:

10 ml glass roller bottles with tops. I like these as they come with pipettes and roller tightners. You can find them here.

No Stress:

I love this blend. It’s so relaxing and peaceful and really helps calm the mind.

In your glass roller bottle combine 6 drops Geranium, 5 drops Lavender, and 4 drops Cedarwood. Fill with Franctionated Coconut Oil. Rub on temples, wrists, and Relax.

Headache Relief:

Combine 6 drops Lavender, 3 drops Rosemary, 5 drops Peppermint, and 2 drops Eucalyptus. Fill with Franctionated Coconut Oil rub on temples, wrists, neck to unwind and ease pain

Love Potion:

This warm, romantic blend is pure heaven in a bottle. Combine 3 drops Patchouli, 4 drops Jasmine, 4 drops Ylang Ylang. Fill with Franctionated Coconut Oil rub on temples, wrists, neck and breathe in the magic

Click here to shop all my essential roll-on blends

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